Mobility opportunities are essential for top-level young scientists looking to kickstart their careers in Europe. The ELISE mobility program for PhD and postdoc students offers an opportunity to visit world-class researchers and institutions within the ELLIS network and gain valuable knowledge and contacts.

The PhD and Postdoc Mobility Program is aimed at existing junior researchers in the ELISE/ELLIS network who want to initiate a collaboration with a Fellow/Scholar, Unit Faculty or Member at another site. It is also open to ELISE-external participants as long as they contribute to the ELISE project goals and visit a Fellow/Scholar or Unit Faculty. The Travel Grant covers travel costs of up to 5,000 EUR per researcher. The program will run until July 2024.In addition to supporting research visits and exchanges, part of the mobility fund is used to organize PhD and postdoc events in the network.

The mobility program is currently scheduled to run until July 2024.

Eligibility criteria and how to apply

Information about the eligibility criteria can be found in the Terms and Conditions of the ELISE Mobility Program for PhDs and Postdocs. Please read this document carefully before submitting the application form.

Applications are possible year-round, but should be submitted at least 1 month before the starting date of the exchange visit, as they need to be processed by the ELISE and university administration.

Applications should be sent to with the subject line “Application ELISE Mobility Grant: LastName”; the sending and hosting supervisors must be cc’ed.

Reimbursement forms will be sent along with the decision on your application.
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