Connected collaboration network coordinated by organizing nodes
ELISE emerged from the urge to organize the world-wide revolution of machine learning in Europe. This network of excellence is motivated by the need to build, inspire and disseminate knowledge of data-driven learning in Europe. Where other continents have woken up earlier, the ELISE members are motivated by a shared concern that any participation in the world-wide competition starts from mastering the fundamentals and the time it takes to get to applications.
ELISE builds on top of and works in cooperation with the fast-expanding ELLIS Society (European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems). ELISE is designed to be compatible with ELLIS.
The ELISE activities are organized by a small set of organizing nodes, who manage the programs and serve the whole network of Fellows and their groups.
Organizing nodes
Work package duties Manage networking actions between participants and associate partners Participate in in networking actions Participate in PhD program
Associate partners
Participate in in networking actions Participate in PhD program Travel costs covered by the participant organising the networking action Host Fellows